Unconventional as always, the team at the Ruse complex hosted an outdoor party to celebrate the international day of the child on Friday, 2nd June and not the first day of the month which is a day on which all those working with children have very busy schedules (as do many of the children).
The programme was designed to be flexible. The children we work with like to perform whether it’s singing, dancing or reciting poetry. It allows them to be brave and to show grown-ups what they have accomplished.
However, we were catering for children of all ages – tots to teenagers – and this meant that there was also an accent was on free play. Youngsters scurried here, there and everywhere weaving among the legs of mums and dads, grandparents, foster parents and Equilibrium team members.
The young participants included children who are in our direct care from our small-group homes, three in Ruse and one in Byala. Young clients of the complex played with children from the local neighbourhood and sons and daughters of the staff from the complex.
Milena Vlahova, operations director at the complex, welcomed the audience and read formal greetings from the mayor and working partners before our expert comperes took charge introducing young performer after young performer. Where were they all coming from?
There was pizza and cake for everyone before things came to a close, the laughter subsided and quietness descended allowing team members to go back to their desks with warm, fuzzy feelings and smiles on their faces. A great way to end the week!