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We aim to hold such meetings annually to create and maintain a community of candidates for adoptive parents, those who have already adopted and their children throughout of Ruse district.

The participants in this year’s event shared their difficulties, anxieties, and the progress in the legislation facilitating adoption but also how difficult it is to overcome public prejudices and how different the attitudes towards them in the different institutions for children are.

The participants came up with suggestions for further changes in the legislation and discussed with the facilitators from the Complex – the psychologist Yana Deleva and the social worker Darinka Milanova, – the opportunities to present these to the head of the parliamentary commission on labour and social policy, Mrs. Svetlana Angelova, an MP from Ruse.

The stories – both joyful and sad – shared by adoptive parents and the children themselves helped the participants develop a sense of community of like-minded people, providing emotional support, understanding and a point of reference. The professional role of the experts from the Complex is highly valued as well as the welcoming warmth and the human touch.