A second Annual Information Conference of “Equilibrium” was held on the 22th of May 2018. It was dedicated to the services that the organization runs in Byala from the year 2016 – The Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration and The Family Type Center for Children.
The main participants at the conference were the children of the Family Type Center. In her presentation “Inside Out”, the methodical manager of the two services, Nadezhda Petrova, talked about the efforts that we… Continue reading

In June, 2016 Equilibrium signed a contract with Byala Municipality for the management of the Centre for Family-Type Accommodation for Children and Young Adults and the Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration.
We were taking the challenge of providing better living conditions and development for 8 children that were removed from institutional care and placed in the small-group home in Byala. It is indeed a challenge, given the heavy burden of these children from a very early age and the… Continue reading