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You can always contact us at the addresses and telephone numbers, and use the the contact form 


 Equilibrium – office address
7000 Ruse, 14 Lipnik Street, Bulgaria 
 CSSCF in Ruse
7000 Ruse, 14 Lipnik Street, Bulgaria 

Phone: 082 588 769 Mobile: 0889 813 123


Phone: +359 82 813380;  +359 884 877 595

E-mail: ksuds@eq-bg.org

CNSTDMU – “Hope” CNSTDMU – “Love”
str. “Kotovsk” № 12 a, 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria str. “Kotovsk” № 10, 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria

Phone: 0884614378

E-mail: cnstdmu@eq-bg.org

Phone: 0884614378

E-mail: cnstdmu@eq-bg.org


Our chairman can be contacted at: d.bisset@eq-bg.org

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