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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATraditionally we have offered an intensive programme, during the spring holidays, for the children who are clients of the Complex for Social Services and this year was no exception. The accent was on novelty and variety.

An exciting new addition to the programme was made possible because of our equestrian project ‘Children Meet Their New Friends – the Horses’ in which EQ collaborates with BTB – Ruse, and Ruse’s Open Society Club. Daily visits to the stables operated by BTB ensured that the children could build their confidence in the company of horses and ponies.

With the participation of volunteers from local schools and the support of our friends from Arena Media and Camel Theatre Group, the children packed a great deal of productive activity into their vacation.

Assisted by older brothers and sisters, volunteers and friends, the children showed how much they knew about Easter traditions during a joke-and-riddle session. Next, teenage volunteers from the schools of tourism and design led a craft workshop making paper eggs using the traditional quilling technique.

Clay horseshoes – symbols of fortune and happiness – were inspired by the visit to the stables and were brightly decorated with flowers and other symbol of spring.

In the gym, the Camel Theatre Group and our friends from Arena Media brought to life some of the stories of Donald Bisset and blended in games so that the audience could play roles and join the action.

The old fishing boat in the yard was brought back to life after the children planted bulbs that should flower within the next few weeks.

As is our tradition, the finale to the spring vacation involved the presentation of special diplomas and gifts as our way of saying thank you and well done.

Back to school but, nevertheless, our children’s activities continue after the usual afternoon homework sessions. Still, it isn’t long to the summer vacation, is it?