The boys and the girls in the Complex for Social Services in Ruse marked the end of the 2012 Summer Programme with a holiday concert
Ruse social services complex has a tradition of providing young clients with a comprehensive programme for the duration of their summer break from school. We also include a number of children from the neighbourhood.
When asked to provide their impressions of the 2012 programme, the young participants provided a torrent of different impressions. For some, the “coolest” part of the programme was the summer camp in the area Kireka near to Madara. For others, the funniest activities were among the more conventional special – interest clubs that take place all year in the Complex. Craft workshops and the production of jewelry have always been popular but, when the sun is shining, there is always time for everyone’s favourite outdoor sports.
Natural history was a particular point of focus this year and activities included outings to the riding stables, Lipnik Park and many interactive outdoor sessions designed to spark an interest in the natural environment and conservancy.
Other excursions were planned to provide variety and improve the general knowledge of the participants. These included visits to the Regional History Museum, the house of Zahari Stoyanov, Sexaginta Prista (the ancient Roman fortress on the Danube) and other local heritage sites. Time was spent in the Regional Library learning the role of the librarian while a local dentist explained what he does inside a patient’s gaping mouth.
The children prepared themselves enthusiastically for the closing concert scheduled for 30th August that was compered by Annie and Pipi – our favourite teenage animators.
The children prepared the performance venue (our gymnasium) with balloons and hand-made banners and laid out the seating for guests who were treated to a vibrant blend of karaoke, dance and beat-boxing.We take this opportunity to thank Ilya Devedjiev and his son Matthew for installing and controlling the sound equipment and Lazarovi Music and Dance Club who coached the dancers and provided costumes for the final public performance.
The holiday ended with a treat for all participants and guests.
Back to school soon!