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Opening Doors for Europe’s Children – Phase II video has been launched on 02 November 2017 during International Foster Care Organisation conference in Malta. 16 National Coordinators and 5 International Partners provide an answer to a question: what needs to be done to open doors for a bigger and brighter future for children in care in Europe? Watch it online and discover more. 

Hundreds of thousands of children across Europe are growing up in institutional care. The consequences are devastating for children and families and deliver a heavy cost to society in the long term. Poverty, disability and discrimination are often the underlying cause of children being separated from their parents. Strengthening families and communities – so that they can look after their own children – must be a first priority.


As a pan-European campaign, we advocate for a broad range of quality alternative care options that avoid harmful effects of institutionalisation for children and provide a protective environment that would enable their normal living within the communities. We achieve this by promoting the transition from institutional to the family- and community-based care, also known as deinstitutionalisation (DI).