The summer adventures of the young people from “Love” and “Hope” started with a visit to the organic garden in the village of Nadarevo (Targovishte) on 11th July, 2019.
A group of young adults from both centres were hospitably received by the hosts of the organic garden – Apostol Apostolov, the head of Botanica Life Foundation, and his coworkers.
The foundation undertook a project aiming to involve young people from Bulgaria in learning about sustainable agriculture. It helps them acquire the knowledge and skills which will enable them to continue their education, to find a job and to start their own business.
The guests were treated to a welcome drink – herbal tea straight from the garden. The young people listened with great interest to Galina Pencheva, who told them the fascinating story of the magical path of a seed, passed through all stages until it reaches us, in the form of a product.
After the theoretical part of the meeting it was time for the practical training – the young adults planted the seeds of onions, cucumbers and beans. So they left their mark in the organic garden…
We would like to thank Mr. Apostolov and his team for the special experience they provided for us.
You left a mark on their hearts!!!