Today an EQ team was present among over 200 occupational therapists who had come together at Ruse University for the annual conference of the European Network of Occupational Therapy and Higher Education.
Practitioners, academics and students showed considerable interest in our work in providing community-based services for children at risk and their families. Of course, EQ has a valuable working relationship with the OT department at the university that extends back to 2010.
Many were astonished by the range and quality of our products and especially enchanted by our method of cultivating and drying herbs to provide special-needs children with rich sensory experience.
Some teams from Austria and Scandinavia who are currently in the process of developing community gardens for children and parents are keen to make use of our experience and we will keep in contact.
The sum of 140 leva is fantastic in such a short period of time. We are enormously grateful for these donations and loving the fact that our work with Ruse University grows and deepens.