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On February 28, 2023, Equilibrium received recognition for its efforts to support children even in the most   testing situations – the award “Ambassador of Good” 2022 from the State Agency for Child Protection.

This is the fourth consecutive year the award has been presented and 12 Ambassadors of Good – individuals and organizations – were honoured.

Five hearts beat as one for the return of a little girl from Ukraine to her homeland. Ambassadors, government institutions and NGOs pooled their efforts and resources to ensure that the child received the best care in a safe and emotionally warm environment, after time spent in hospitals and institutions under war conditions.

Respect to Detelina Kirilova from the Ruse child protection department and Maryka Ivanova, nurse from Equilibrium, who accompanied the child from the Ukrainian border, and to Milena Nedelcheva, director of Equilibrium’s family-type centre, who took care of the child until she was reunited with his family.

The award ceremony was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Lazar Lazarov, together with Deputy Ministers Nadia Klisurska, Natalia Efremova and Emil Mingov. The united efforts of Equilibrium, the Executive Director of Hope and Homes for Children – Bulgaria Branch Georgi Simeonov, the Chairman of A21 Foundation Monika Nikolova and the Interim Head of the Bulgarian Embassy in Ukraine Teodor Savov were honoured for the occasion. “With the great efforts you have made, you show that together we can achieve more and better results for the better fate of a child,” Lazarov said at the award ceremony.