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We have grown as a provider of social services and – from our “command centre” at the Ruse complex for social support – we now manage 10 services.

We look after children and young adults in 5 family-type homes. Most accommodate youngsters with severe disabilities and one unit provides around-the-clock care for babies who need medical supervision.

We manage a system of 5 integrated services that cater for children at risk aged 0 to 18 many of whom are educationally disadvantaged. Many display challenging behavior.

We work with families who live in extreme poverty and social isolation. We train and support foster parents and those families that have adopted children.

We work with families with very young children encouraging positive parenting or assisting with the care of infants with disabilities or chronic illness.

Our mission is to ensure that children grow up in a nurturing environment that provides love, security and opportunity. We help families remain resilient and self-reliant.

You can support our cause with donations:

* In kind – Fuel and / or resources for fuel crisis intervention (especially important in the winter), transport for children and young people so we can offer social programmes, nappies, supplies for babies, food, special aids and equipment (props, positioning chairs, etc.), all things that could improve the living conditions of children in social services (computers, phones, furnishings, technical equipment and tools), etc .;

* In services – be a volunteer – we need drivers, handymen and gardeners to help us keep our facilities in good shape. Do you have any hobbies, skills or special interests that we can put to good use?

*Cash donations – We have a special bank account (see below). Our priorities include helping families deal with medical crises, providing essential transport (eg hospital runs) and helping parents obtain identity documents and other paperwork


There are endless opportunities to help. We like to hear your ideas and suggestions. Please get in touch.


Donation account: CIBANK PLC

IBAN BG28BUIB98881028611903