Since 1st April EQ has managed services in two small group homes for young adults whose physical and / or neurological disabilities precluded the use of other alternatives for community-based care (eg foster care). The facilities were created under a project undertaken by Ruse Municipality – “Our children are our responsibility-creation of a network of residential services for children and young people aged 3 to 18 in Ruse municipal district.”
Young adults removed from large residential institutions suffer the effects of institutionalization over and above the difficulties and behavioural patterns associated with their illnesses or conditions. EQ coordinates the efforts of a multidisciplinary team geared towards managing their transition to community-based living and the gradual improvement of their skills and capabilities.
The progress of the young adults that we care for in the facilities known as Hope and Love has been incredible and summer camp provided the opportunity to test their new competences.
The camp was designed to provide the myriad experienced associated with a holiday among Nature. The provision of a adventure-oriented activities for young people who cannot see the world around them or those who lack mobility involves using the capabilities of all members of the group in a collective manner so that no member is totally dependent on the professional care providers.
Evenings were dedicated to music and dance and further collaboration.
New experiences – cuisine, bedrooms and many different people – also provide a significant emotional jolt for those who are normally dependent on repletion and routine in order to feel secure. However, the youngsters coped well and provided observers with important clues about how to provide the various individuals with gentle challenges in the future.
All part of the comprehensive processes of deinstitutionalization and adaptation.