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Thanks to a few people with open minds and hearts open to the needs of underprivileged children the “United child services of Slancho” received some very important equipment that will help provide better care for children with disabilities.

Some time ago, newly-weds from Plovdiv gave a generous donation towards the cost of a special therapeutic chair and additional funds were provided by the Stoitzevi family from Ruse. Although the funds weren’t totally sufficient, the municipal authority has topped up the funding and bought a “zebra” chair that will be used in all three departments at the Slancho centre.

Other purchases include a giant coloured parachute for therapeutic play and three anti-bacterial lamps that help to disinfect the air, water and surfaces of the furniture

We also received adult mattresses for use in the mother and baby unit and equipment to support our work with children on the autism spectrum.

The EQ team would like to thank the young family of Lilyana and Boris Yordanovi, the Stoitzevi family, the Municipality of Ruse and a number of anonymous donors who have helped us continue to improve the level of care provided at the centre.

We would like to remind you of the touching letter from Yordanovi family to B.:

“Hello B.,

Our names are Lily and Bobby. We decided to make you a part of the happiest and most important day of our lives – our wedding. Even though we do not know each other we would like you to know that your story touched not only us and our parents but also all our guests. As beautiful as flowers can be they eventually wither and are forgotten after a few days. But the good deed stays. That is why we asked all our guests to become part of a good cause and help with something much more valuable – a child`s faith. We hope that our support will help you grow to become a big, strong, brave and a happy boy.

And never forget: There is only one real treasure in the World – the good heart!

Yordanovi family”