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As from 1st January, 2011 Equilibrium will manage Ruse’s complex for social services and the small group home for children for a further three years. Once again, we’re working in partnership with the Open Society Club and with the welcome support of Arena Media.

After hearing the news, and even before David had signed the new contract with the municipal authority on 15th December, the team got together to share cake and champagne. It was great that there were plenty kids in the complex on the day in question – it was a REALLY BIG cake bearing the slogan ‘The Best of the Best’.

As is the case in many countries where governments are struggling to balance the books in the wake of the financial crisis, services providers in Bulgaria are being expected to ‘do more for less’. We are lucky to have a very experienced and cohesive team of childcare specialists that is now being called upon to share its know-how with those who are to operate the newly emerging services arising under the government’s ambition, EC-funded deinstitutionalization programme. We succeeded in keeping that team largely intact.

We’re in good shape and ready for the challenges ahead.