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Disabled children and young  in the care of Equilibrium in several small-grouphomes were given a special chance to communicate and make social contact.

This is made possible by the use of assistive vision control technologies – a modern, high-tech method for complementary and alternative communication, which, through eye movements and gaze guidance, can use specialized software for communication, synthesized speech, training, development of cognitive skills .

This method and technology were presented at the second international conference of ASIST – Assistive Technology Foundation in early November 2019 in Sofia, along with the international experience, policies in Bulgaria and the experience of Bulgarian specialists, demonstrations and exhibitions of assistive technologies. from Sweden, the United Kingdom and Italy.

Under the ASIST project- Assistive Technologies Foundation “Development of Communication and Learning Skills for Children and Young People with Severe Physical Disabilities through View-Control Technologies” 6 children from the Pink House and Slancho were tested.. Due to the severity of their disabilities, these children have difficulty communicating, and for this reason the Equilibrium care teams have always looked for alternative forms for children to be able to express their desires and emotions. New technology makes this possible.

The ASIST team of E. Petrova and P. Yordanova-Stefanova works with the children twice a week. The children were very quickly orientated on what to do and work with enthusiasm and inspiration – choosing the appropriate symbols by looking or touching with their finger. In response to a question from a specialist, they move a brush that clears an image, draws colored lines and circles with their fingers, and then “plays” a virtual piano and does many other things.

Assistants at ASIST say that children are progressing quickly and that the tasks are increasing in difficulty. Activities that are useful and fun for children will continue for an entire year.