For another year, Equilibrium, with the support of donors, organized a summer camp for the users of “Love” and “Hope” in the beautiful, picturesque village of Tyulenovo. The camps were organized for two groups of young people in August and September. The aim of the summer camp was primarily to toughen and strengthen the body of the youth, as well as to create new memories and positive emotional experiences for all participants.
Every year, the young people look forward to the summer holidays in the village. Tyulenovo. The four-day me included time for the beach, relaxation and walks among the natural sights, free activities, lots of dancing and wonderful mood. Throughout their stay the young people were relaxed and positive. Every day the young people visited the beach, called “the little sea”, where they spent hours having fun. Going into the sea was a unique experience for them and the staff. Emotions of joy, gratitude, calm, interest and a renewed attitude prevailed. Each one of them laughed, splashed with water, sat in the shallows and splashed their feet. They managed to come across a jellyfish and saw various fish swimming around them. After which they rested on their towels and collected some sunshine and a healthy tan. Together with the camp team, the youngsters also participated in an outdoor art workshop: they collected shells, pebbles and small flowers that sprouted around the wonderful rocky beach, from which they made decorations and figurines.
The joy in the eyes of the young people was the biggest reward for the adult team. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the camp a reality!