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dscn1135For a second year in a row UBB bank presented the kids from the complex with books, sports items, games and sweets.

Thanks to the bank’s initiative and all its branches in Ruse – “Give a sparkle” – the employees raise funds for children at risk on the occasion of the Day of the National Leaders. This year the initiative broadens and besides books the children received balls, feather balls, teaching materials and sweets.

Representatives of UBB bank took part in a session dedicated to the good, together with the children from the complex, and gave away presents to the youngsters.

 The bank employees received symbolic gifts made by the children and the message “Do good and keep giving”, which the children and their guests promised to abide.

Thank you for your generosity, trust and support!

 Our Christmas charitable campaign accelerates, indeed, in favour of our Mission “Childhood at home – love, safety, development”.