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promeneni-sadbiOn the 28th December 2010, the Bulgarian Council of Ministers announced the official closure of Teteven Institution for children 0 to 3 years old (officially named ‘Home for Medical and Social Care for Children’ – HMSCC).

The decision was in line with the National Strategy ‘Vision for Deinstitutionalising the Children in the Republic of Bulgaria’ as well as with the concept for deinstitutionalising the children from the baby institutions approved by the Ministry of Health.

The closure took place within the project ’Restructuring of the Home for Medical and Social Care for Children (HMSCC) in Teteven and development of alternative social services for children and families (Centre of Social Support)’ implemented jointly by NGO Equilibrium (Bulgaria), Hope and Homes for Children (United Kingdom) and the Municipality of Teteven (Bulgaria) and supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the State Agency for Child Protection. This support was ratified in formal agreements that guaranteed a smooth transition between institutional care and the operation of a complex for social services for the children and families from the community. The project was conducted over a period of 24 months – from January 2010 until December 2011.

‘Transforming Lives’ describes the closure model covering the operational outline, significant financial and management criteria and key learning points.

You can read the full text here