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unnamed-5A group from the Ruse centre for street children visited the regional training centre for civil protection to learn what to do if a natural disaster strikes.

They watched a multimedia presentation that covered a broad variety of natural hazards and provided the basic rules for protection and survival. The youngsters learned simple but vital steps about the smart ways to act in electrical storms, floods, earthquakes and fires. More exotic hazards were also featured – tsunamis and earthquakes – providing an insight into the consequences of the sorts of thing the children see regularly in news bulletins and disaster movies.

There were also practical (hands-on) demonstrations (eg showing the children how to use a respiratory mask) and group members could learn about the types of equipment used by life-savers.

They had the opportunity to don helmets, board the fire engine and use the “water cannons”. They were astonished by the strength needed to control the hose. Questions came thick and fast and we won’t be surprised if some now have dreams of becoming fire-fighters.

This represents one of a number of programmes designed to help the children understand the world of grown-ups who – through their choice of profession – do things that benefit the community.