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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEquilibrium and the Open Society Club – Ruse are partners under a new contract for the provision of social services in the Ruse complex for social support of children and families.

The municipal authority announced that our technical proposal under the process of public tendering had secured us the right to continue to manage the services for another 3 years starting from January, 2014. The integrated services include a centre for social support, an emergency placement unit, a centre for street children and family-type accommodation for disabled children (the Pink House).

As partners, we have managed childcare and family support services since 2009. Since that date, the quality of the services has been publicly acknowledged at local, national and international level.

In 2010, the services provided at the complex were acknowledged as an example international best practice within the context of the COPORE initiative (Competencies for Poverty Reduction) and since that date the services provided by the team at the Ruse complex have kept pace with international standards.

Having partnered the British organization – Hope and Homes for Children – in the closure of the first baby home in Bulgaria, Equilibrium has secured a leading position in the government’s programme that pilots the closure of 8 more residential facilities.

The Ruse complex has become a resource centre and training facility assisting the development of new childcare and family support services. In the space of 18 months, 71 people have undergone training selected from among 8 modules offered under our expert programme.

A community of friends, volunteers and partners continues to expand around the Ruse complex that assists by helping us raise funds and providing many forms of support that allow us to innovate and do things that add extra magic to the lives of vulnerable children.

On 3rd January, 2014, the team got together to celebrate fresh start with cake and drinks. We pledged renewed focus on continuing to improve the quality of the work we do on behalf of children and families.

Best wishes to those who have supported us across the years. The work goes on.