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1_KCYDC_2012It has become something of a tradition to invite representatives of the municipal / regional authority, colleagues and friends to provide an overview of life at the social services complex during the prior year.

On Thursday, 7th March at the city’s history museum (our favourite venue), the management team from Ruse Social Services Complex hosted a review of 2012 and gave a series of brief presentations providing the highlights of the year 2012. The deputy regional governor, Dr. A. Raichev congratulated the team on behalf of the regional authority.

It was a real team effort – with the support of Galya and Venci, Elena facilitated and Milena, Svetla, Stefka, Nadia and David gave a variety of perspectives while two of our teenaged volunteers from the city’s school of European Languages explained how they had ‘graduated’ in Equilibrium’s course for young, social entrepreneurs and showed images of the children’s event they and their colleagues had organised and hosted during the summer.

Talking of children, it was especially thrilling to many of our young clients participate in the event. A giggling group from our small group home for disabled youngsters demonstrated the novel use of a multicoloured parachute while others from among our clientele danced, sang and gave recitations reflecting the content of our club activities.

A number of foster families attended and the children made a big contribution to the happy atmosphere. As David said – sometimes working at the complex feels like being inside a big, shiny, red bus!