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On October 31st, experts from “Equilibrium” reported on the progress of the “Kids voice” project, funded by the OP “Human Resources Development”, Priority Axis “Transnational Cooperation”.

The round table was attended by representatives of the Administration office of “Health and Social Activities” of the Municipality of Ruse and experts from non-governmental organizations in the city. The project is related to experience, good practices and the transfer of social innovations for enhancing the capacity of children in their early childhood years, their parents and informal leaders from marginalized communities in the Sredna Kula neighborhood, Ruse Municipality, from the activities of Castelfidardo, Italy. Experts from “Equilibrium” talked about the interesting practices and the different systems that they had the opportunity to see in May in Italy, as well as about the things they had learned from Castelfidardo and be able to successfully apply in Ruse.

Mediators, who work on site in the Sredna kula neighborhood, showed pictures of their activities with parents and children (0-5 years). They shared the huge interest in the groups called “Library of toys” and “I Was a Child, too” from parents and children. They play together with natural materials, make different objects from things that are in every home and for which no additional expenses are needed. The parents learn more about the abilities and potential of their children, which makes them, feel more successful and proud as parents and leads to permanent change for them.

As a result of the implementation of the “Kids voice” project, a comprehensive model of social work aims at increasing the capacity of children and families from the Roma community and early prevention of dropping out of school and the consequences for the children . The activities contribute to the implementation of social innovations and good practices in the areas of social inclusion and fight against poverty from Italy.  The project helps build a proper view of the capacity of the Roma community from the Sredna kula neighborhood and the “Equilibrium” association for their adequate services for socio-economic integration.