Our summer adventure camp is our trademark!
Equilibrium’s main ambition is to break the barriers that separate:
- School and Community
- Children from adventurous engagement with the natural world
The learning experience should include:
- Participation in civic society
- Exploration of the natural world
This helps children cope with an overload of information that is politicized, globalized or modularized / formulaically interpreted.
Problems with didactic teaching:
- Kids aren’t learning life skills
- Kids are deprived of adventure & a personal quest for discovery
Adventure deprivation leads to:
- A lack of initiative
- The substitution of superficial confidence based on occupational / social status for deep, inner self-knowledge
- Limited self-awareness / individualism
- Poor decision-making, problem-solving & risk assessment
Kids are deprived of adventure because:
- We try too hard to protect them
- Education is geared towards the capacity / convenience of the educator & not the character / capability of the student