On 11th August, 2010 Equilibrium launched a new publication written by David in which he explores the issue of Child Participation – the background to the development of the concept and the practical difficulties faced when trying to apply it in practice.
The booklet is intended for use by all professionals working in the fields of education and childcare and you can find it uploaded at our EQ Publications section.
The Ruse municipal authority kindly allowed us to use a reception hall where, assisted by Open Society Ruse, we made a presentation to almost fifty invited guests including Stuart Peters and Villy Angelova from the British Embassy in Sofia and Ivan Grigorov, the deputy district governor. David was the main speaker but he found himself upstaged by a children’s group representing the village of Dryanovets. The book opens with an account of the extraordinary accomplishments of these children who, over the last two years, have created their own comprehensive programmes and entertained the villagers. The group was accompanied by the mayoress and the village librarian who have supported the children’s efforts from the outset.
Stuart and Villy visited the complex later in the day after guests had shared refreshments.