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13059400_790804877688234_515834208_nOur charity campaign that took place in the week leading up to Easter once again proved the sensitivity and concern of local people for children and families at risk. The support provided was phenomenal.

On 26rh April, the Heart without Borders Association hosted a fashion show / cocktail event in Riga Hotel to raise funds that will enable us to buy a special piece of rehabilitation equipment called a verticalizer. (It costs almost 5000 leva). We care for 47 children and young adults in the four family-type centres that we manage and, in addition, it is our intention to boost the support programme we provide for families, foster parents and those who have adopted children with physical disabilities that currently provided therapy for 20 children per annum.

We take this opportunity to say a very big Thank You to the Bulgarian Wrestling Federation and its representatives in Ruse who donated 3,000 leva towards our cause. We are grateful to the models and young musical performers who took part in the fashion event. They provided a splendid performance supported by many of the city’s fashion outlets who rallied to support Diana Poptonova and her modeling agency.

We must also say Thank You to the members of the Zonta Club who donated 500 leva that will help us provide a summer camp for those youngsters with special needs that are in our care.

The show was well attended and others simply made donations in support of the children.

Our own charity bazaar took place in two locations – four days in our traditional position in Mall Rouse and a day in the city square as part of an Easter Bazaar organized by the municipal authority.

The total of 922 leva raised from sales will go towards the cost of summer camps for 12 children from the Pink House and 25 young adults from Love and Hope.

EQ would like to thank all the artists and other contributors to the bazaar whose support through the years has helped us sustain the action as a fixture in the calendar of city events. On this basis, we are to offer summer adventures to those in our care that you can read about here on our website or on our Facebook page – Equilibrium – Going Forward.