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EQ experts Milena Vlahova – director of the Complex of Social Services in Ruse and Stefka Peteva – Manager of the Street Children Centre which is part of the Complex, accompanied by Galya Bisset – HHC’s regional manager for Central and Eastern Europe conducted a 2-day training in Teteven on 4th and 5th July, 2011 for the teams of the centre of Social Support and the Child Protection Department.

They shared good practices and discussed perennial difficulties in case management. Time was dedicated to reviewing documentation and work schedules and the promotion of an inter-agency approach to working with children and their families.

In the afternoon of the 5th the team went to Roman in response to an invitation of the local child protection officer to do a presentation on foster care. Participants were representatives of the Directorate of Social Assistance, Centre of Social Support, Complex of social services, village mayors from Roman municipality and interested members of the public. The team explored the nature of foster care, the ‘recruitment’ procedure and encouraged members of the public to apply. In addition Milena and Galya spoke about lessons learned from the experience of raising awareness and recruiting and registering foster parents in Ruse and Lovech districts. The participants received information material – posters, leaflets, films used by EQ to promote this essential form of care for children who can’t live with their families.