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DSC_0209TBI Bank, thanks to its new commercial campaign Sport for a better life for children, will help 20 children from Ruse by providing them with horse riding therapy. TBI Bank donates 1 lev for every loan within 1 year and 2 lev for every loan of over 1 year.The campaign is organized with the support of “Help for charity in Bulgaria” Foundation and is implemented in Ruse by Equilibrium .

For a couple of years Equilibrium has been developing and upgrading therapy and socialisation of disadvantaged children through joint projects with the riding school in Ruse. Our practice has proven that hippotherapy is extremely beneficial for children with physical or mental disabilities. In addition, horse riding, the contact with the jockeys, trainers and horses has a great effect on children with deviant behaviour and poor social adaptation.

The project will give greater opportunities for access and participation of children with special needs, children with deviant behaviour and children with poor  social adaptation from Ruse.

The participants, involved in the project will be divided in two groups. The first group will consist of 10 children that have various physical and mental disabilities with diagnoses such as: CCP, learning disability, disorders from the autism spectrum, hyperactivity and attention deficit, blindness, etc.. Five of them live in small-group homes. The others live and study in Ruse and are being taken care of by their parents.

The children from the second group use the services of the Centre for Street Children (CSC) in the Complex for Social Services. They are physically and psychologically healthy but they have problems, resulting from the family and social environment in which they live. They have deviant behaviour , lack of motivation for studying and attending school,  attention deficit, problems with communication, socialization and realization.

By using riding and care for the horses in a therapeutic and an educational manner, the children become active participants in a new social process. They see their differences and opportunities in a new way, they become more independent, develop a sense of responsibility and self-esteem.

The EQ Project will start in September 2016.