A group of experts and a shooting team visited Ancona – Italy to exchange experiences on innovative practices under the project „Kids Voice” by the “Equilibrium” NGO.
The project is funded by the OP “Human Resources Development”, with priority of “Transnational Cooperation” and is related to the exchange of experience, good practices and transfer of social innovations for enhancing the capacity of children in their early childhood, their parents and informal leaders from marginalized communities in “Sredna kula”, Ruse Municipality from the activities of Castelfidardo, Italy.
The Italian partners of “Equilibrium” – INFAP Marche, organized many meetings during the three-day exchange of experience with various structures in the Marche area.
The experts of “Equilibrium” also presented their experience and practice in the field of early childhood development.
The emphasis of Italian practices is on supporting the autonomy, mobility and social inclusion of risk groups. The methodologies in the services visited by the “Equilibrium” team are on the positive and the strengths, not on the limitations of the target groups. They encourage children to cope independently and communicatively, it is also extremely important to meet people’s constraints and to provide other channels through which these limitations can be overcome. Learning through play is also one of the main elements of the Italian approach, and as the director of the “Omero Tactile” Museum shares: “Through the game and touch with early childhood, after years, intelligent and less educated people will be able to recognize the statue of David from Michelangelo.” Different forms of communication, tailored to the limitations of the risk groups, allow the leveling and experiencing of similar emotions, which is the real social inclusion of marginalized groups of people.
The “Equilibrium” project will continue until March 2019 and will relate to the innovative practices of Italy in the “Sredna kula” community through joint play sessions of children and parents – “Toys Library”, focus groups – “I was a child, too” and motivational interviews with parents of children aged 0-5 years. The activities are carried out with the active participation of community mediators.
The team of “Arena Media” will produce a video, presenting the overall project work in Bulgaria and Italy.