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For the second year in a row, the CSC team became part of the national campaign on Father’s Day.

On 14th June, 2019 the children, clients of the social service, had a session with the team: “The important male figure in my life”.

The topic of the session was introduced through interactive methods – the puppet – Happy Peppy – asked the children: “When have you felt happy and with whom do you like to spend your time?”

The discussion continued with the drawing of pictures of family members and those of the extended family, story reading and interpretation of thoughts and quotes about fathers, grandfathers and brothers. In the last part of the session each child drew a portrait of the most important male figure in their life. They came to the conclusion that it is very important for them to have people they can trust and rely on, who will always be by their side, help them and support them.

The discussion was important and interesting for the children, provoking various thoughts (having in mind their difficult family situations). One of them said the most important figure in their life was not their father but their uncle. Another – their brother, who together with the grandmother took care of him. A third one said it was the grandfather but she drew her parents and the children in the family holding their hands.

Some of the children shared that on Father’s Day they will go for a walk with their parents. An exhibition was organized at the complex with the drawings of the children – portraits of the most important figures in their lives.