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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor the second consecutive year, our team demonstrated the medieval decorative art of quilling to dozens of participants during Children’s Night at the Museum.

This event was held on National Children’s Day – June 1st – as part of the 9th such festival organized by the association “Friends of Ruse Museum with the financial support of the city’s cultural department and implemented within the framework of the campaign “Ruse – candidate for European Capital of Culture 2019 “. Equilibrium was invited back as a partner in this initiative and asked to host a workshop for children and their parents.

Maria and Nesrin provided a workshop that was both entertaining and educational showing the young participants how to create wonderful cards and boxes decorated with elaborate scrolls of qilling. The children were very proud to have quickly mastered something so complicated. 

We thank both the organizers for their invitation and our arts team for their dedication and patience.