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Implementation period: February 2017 – December 2018

Source of funding: Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund

Role of the organization: subcontractor – Service contract № 2017 – 021 – Y from 27.02.2017 with the Municipality of Silistra

Expected results:

  • Conducted 2 Individual Supervision of the host families of the Project from the Silistra District, where children are accommodated;
  • Main trainings of the Silistra Regional Foster Care Unit;
  • Specialized training of the Silistra Regional Foster Care Unit;
  • Specialized training of the members of the foster care unit at the Regional Directorate for Social Assistance – Silistra;
  • 4 group supervisions were carried out to the Silistra Regional Foster Care Unit;
  • 2 Group Supervisions were carried out to the Silistra Regional Foster Care Unit.


Specific objectives:

Provide active support, including individualized, group supervised and counseled trainings of both the Foster Care Unit and the foster families on the territory of Silistra District and the foster care committee so as to protect the needs of the children accommodated in foster care, their best interests and their rights. Support was given to the teams and to the foster families in order to deal with specific cases and challenges.


All the training and supervision of the teams and foster families, included in the contract (with the exception of the specialized training of the members of the foster care committee due to a still missing program for it) were carried out. Additionally, support has been provided for specific cases submitted by the Regional Foster Care Unit and foster parents. In the analysis at the national level about the problems, challenges and successes of the project “Accept me 2015”, the team and the foster care in Silistra District are mentioned as good practice and experience in the provision of the “Foster Care” service.