Implementation period: December 2015 – January 2018
Funding: Bulgarian Swiss Cooperation Programme –Civil Society Participation Fund
Role of the organization: partner of the Municipality of Ruse
Expected results:
- Information provided to Roma women (approx 400) of reproductive age through informal talks and meetings / support and accompany women (at least 50) in their dealings with the medical services of obstetricians and promotion of healthy reproductive choices.
- Support the provision of 4 prenatal examinations for at least 50 pregnant women without health insurance or Roma living in similar situation (Ruse city and the 13 towns / villages in the municipality).
- Form three working groups for the joint activities of Roma children and parents (two in school “Aleko Konstantinov” and one in “Bratya Miladinovi”) during the academic year.
- Improved understanding among Roma parents involved in joint activities to regular school attendance of their children. Improved interaction between parents and Roma children to better child development – cognitive, social and emotional.
Specific objectives:
- Promotion of improved practices in reproductive health and family planning among Roma women and other women who lack health insurance in Ruse municipal district
- Promotion of the use of prenatal services among women in the same group
- Formation of knowledge and skills among women from this group to improve the cognitive, social and emotional development of very young children by organizing working groups in two of the city’s schools