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My daughter Nadya is 16 years old. She was born a healthy child.

I have never had any serious problems with her health. There were only the common colds, tonsillitis. But two years ago she had a convulsion. The ambulance came and the doctors gave her an injection with diazepam and they said that she will be alright. But in the next two hours her condition got worse and she stopped talking. She was taken to the hospital of Ruse with a temperature higher than 40C and unconscious. I will not describe what I went through while she was in an intensive care room having tests for Scarlet fever, meningitis, encephalitis and measles. She was left in a “waking coma”.

After seven months in the hospital we took her home in our town near Ruse. Since then, I have been caring for her alone. Nadya cannot eat by herself. She was feeding through a tube and she needs a ventilator to breathe. She isn’t entirely comatose. She gets scared, she smiles and she moves her legs and arms.

Since last year, we started going to the centre for social rehabilitation and integration which is managed by Equilibrium. A physiotherapist works with Nadya twice a week. He is giving her massages and she does some simple exercises. Also we are visited regularly at home by medical nurses.

I am very pleased by the way these people treat us and how they work. All of them are so dedicated and thoughtful to their patients. Whenever I have a problem with Nadya, I know that I can count on them. Sometimes, I feel I need to contact a nurse late in the evening and they are always on call and manage to help me with the problem. If extra help is needed, they contact doctors in the hospital for extra advice.

I also want to thank the social worker for her help.

A few months ago we received groceries from the Center for social rehabilitation and integration which were donated by the Bulgarian Red Cross. A few weeks ago we even received financial aid from them, so I managed to buy medical equipment I need to care for Nadya at home. The aid was 200lv. The money was from Equilibrium’s charity bazaar “Martenichki with a mission”.

I want to thank all of Nadya’s care team from the very bottom of my heart.