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On 20 November 35 years ago, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted (the world united around the idea that children’s human rights should be protected in a more special way).

Today, Equilibrium received recognition from the highest level of government for its 20 years of active civil society work in protecting children’s rights, in the person of its Executive Director, Galya Bisset.

35 experts – professionals working in the civil sector received honorary awards and… Continue reading

Between 22nd and 24th October, Sofia’s Grand Millenium Hotel hosted the 2024 international conference of the International Step by Step Association (ISSA).

The event brought together professionals from over 50 countries as well as government representatives from 13 countries to focus on systemic change impacting on early childhood development – speaking / advocating for change, how to move in the right direction and how to respond to global challenges.

Equilibrium’s contribution included sharing lessons learned from its work in support… Continue reading

For another year, Equilibrium, with the support of donors, organized a summer camp for the users of “Love” and “Hope” in the beautiful, picturesque village of Tyulenovo. The camps were organized for two groups of young people in August and September. The aim of the summer camp was primarily to toughen and strengthen the body of the youth, as well as to create new memories and positive emotional experiences for all participants.

Every year, the young people look forward to… Continue reading

For 18 years the specialists of the Complex for Social Services for Children and Families (KSUDS) in Ruse have been helping to solve various problems of children and their families.

To our great joy, we find that more and more teenagers are replacing screen devices with a good book, and others are trying to express themselves through their own writing. Unfortunately, these girls and young men feel alone because they find it difficult to find like-minded friends and peers to… Continue reading

On July 18th Ruse hosted a Regional Meeting of Social Services on the topic “Current challenges in the development of social services”.

The meeting was organized by Ruse Municipality and National Alliance for Social Responsibility.

The “Battenberg” Hall of the Regional Historical Museum gathered over 50 participants, representatives of social service providers from Ruse and the region, “Social Assistance” directorates, representatives of the Ruse Municipality, RSPB and the Agency for Quality of Social Services.

At the beginning a welcome speech… Continue reading

If the young residents of the two small-group homes could talk for on their own behalf and on the part of the care teams, they would tell you a 10-year story filled with many difficulties, but also much love; many challenges, but also many successes; many changes that stressed them, but also much care that calmed them, many crises, but also much hope and concerted efforts to make them happy.

Ten years ago, to the day, on 14.05.2014, they stepped… Continue reading

David Bisset participated in a conference held at the University of Bucharest on 22nd & 23rd April, 2024. Indeed, he gave a short presentation showcasing aspects of Equilibrium’s work and, specifically, the way that the methods and techniques used during the project ‘The Voice of Adversity’ represented the creative adaptation of a variety of models encountered over a period of almost 15 years. The Ruse family centre acted as an “incubator” for the development of ideas.

The Bucharest conference was… Continue reading

The family-type accommodation centres “Hope” and “Love” were created under the project “Our children are our responsibility – opening a complex of residential services for children and youth with disabilities” undertaken by Ruse Municipality. Equilibrium has managed the two facilities since the outset.

In the two facilities we provide permanent care of young men and women with severe disabilities who were removed from large, residential institutions for children and young people with mental retardation which were located in remote villages,… Continue reading

The service provides temporary accommodation in a safe environment for a maximum of 4 children who are victims of domestic violence, victims of trafficking, or in a crisis situation. The facility is located in a wing of the Social Services Complex and provides the necessary conditions for children to live in a family-like environment. It provides 24-hour care and a team of professionals who work with the children to overcome their trauma and develop the resilience needed to be reintegrated… Continue reading

The beginning of the spring break – 01.04.2024 – for the children started with fitness – challenges, outdoor games, and lunch in a restaurant.

 In the afternoon, they visited one of the major symbols of the city – the Fleet Tower. A long-time employee showed the children around the hydrometeorological station, introducing them to its history and the instruments for meteorological observations – barometer, rain gauge, thermometer, wind gauge, etc. The children also had the opportunity to see the… Continue reading

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