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HMD_2014-11-300x225We have written extensively about how we involve children and young adults in the life of EQ. There was hot demand for two of our publications at a recent national conference.

By special invitation from the National Network for Children, EQ provided an exhibition and gave a presentation on the theme of enabling active child participation during the organisation’s 2014 AGM in Sliven attended by representatives of over 100 organisations.

This was an opportunity for us talk about our approach to engaging young people in philanthropic activity and the number of methods we use to encourage the involvement of the young people in our operations – planning, organization, implementation, fundraising, etc.

EQ’s presentation provoked considerable interest and questions from the audience about how we convert principles to actual practice on an everyday basis.

Our exhibition featured our publications on the subject, demonstrated components of our work and included a visual archive of child participation in action stretching back over our organisation’s history.