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Project “Kids Voice”

Implementation period: January 2018 – December 2018

Source of funding: Under the procedure № BG05M9OP001-4.001 “Transnational and Danube Partnerships for Employment and Growth”, OP “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020.

Project partner: ENFAP – Italy

Achieved results:

Social innovations for enhancing the capacity of children in their early childhood, their parents and informal leaders from marginalized communities in the “Sredna kula” district, Ruse municipality, from the activities of Castelfidardo, Italy, were implemented. The social innovations that have been transferred are three, methodically linked to one innovative model (focus groups, motivational interviewing and innovative early intervention methods). The direct target group of the project was covered by 30 parents with children from 0 to 5 years of age. The indirect target group was all stakeholders (local authorities, institutions, NGOs, social service providers) who are working and implementing policies for socio-economic integration. Thanks to the project the following has been done: Database/register with the population of the Roma neighborhood in “Sredna kula”; The “Kids Voice” movie showing the activities, objectives and impact of the project; Methods and guidelines for working with the three social innovations with parents and children from the Roma community.

There were a total of 10 focus groups with 30 parents from the Roma community; 10 motivational interviews with them; 20 sessions with children and parents were held at “I was a Child, too” club and 20 sessions with children and parents – “Library for toys”.

Impact: The activities contributed to the transfer of social innovations and good practices in the areas of social inclusion and the fight against poverty from Italy. They also multiplied the attempts to increase the capacity of the Roma community in the “Sredna kula” district as well as that of the “Equilibrium” Association for adequate Socio-Economic integration.